
Arms numb. Chest heavy.

Legs week. Palms sweaty.

We wake to the same song though

there are thousands of heartbeats between us.

My mind races though it's stuck on you.

I circle the city searching for a former clarity.

I count the blocks toward my peace.

I drown in my sheets waiting for a rescue

But you're nowhere in the swell.

You would never be my hero.

I stitch myself to my mattress

To keep my head above the water.

This is not sorrow.

This is no longer a rescue mission.

The shadows surface

& chew at the ropes

holding me in place.

I slip into the depths of memory

& accept my fate.

My breath slowly expires

as I continue to sink into the darkness.

Even as I descend into my eternity,

still my mind is only on you.




Ebony Heart